Creating moments of happiness.
Most people either unconscientious or conscientiously are searching for happiness in their life. But the truth from my own experience is you won't find it outside yourself. No person, thing or situation can make you happy for long. And lasting happiness is a myth. Because life is about the experience of all emotions. Without pain or sadness, or even just melancholy, you wouldn't know what happiness feels like. But the great thing is you can create more happiness in your life. There is an effort on your part, it won't just randomly be on your doorstep(or will it?). But it is possible to create these moments of happiness.
Before I share my own ways that may help you find joy in your life. I would like to talk about a universal law that most are not familiar with. This is the law of the pendulum. Which I think is an important law that most don't explain. Imagine a pendulum moving back and forth, one side is happiness and the other is sadness. The center is balance and neutral feelings. The higher you go either side the higher the emotion. So lets say you are so happy and ecstatic, and from that point on the pendulum you release the ball. Because it is at such a high point it will flow so quickly that it reaches the other side of the pendulum swiftly now your at the state of extreme sadness. And the pattern continues back and forth. It seems a lot of great artist go through these phases, because they can get to higher places of bliss then most. When understanding this law it helps you to predict your own emotions and balance yourself out to a certain degree, and my thoughts are to not balancing too much. Some people like to not feel anything but I think this is just a way of escaping the beauty of life. Also just knowing this law you will see you can't stay in only extreme bliss long but the great thing is you will come back to it quickly. In my opinion if you balance yourself too much you won't find much happiness. I think of that as the person who doesn't take risks in life and stays in shallow water.
There is also the law of attraction which I speak often on. Like attracts like. So even though both of these laws are in play, you can learn how to tweak it in your life to have an advantage. When your constantly focusing on things that make you miserable the more you will attract into your life. So this will cause the more extreme negative emotions more frequent. Whereas, if your constantly focusing on good things, this will get you back on the right side of the pendulum quicker. Plus after purposefully creating happiness in your life, there will be on occasions that yes, it will fall on your doorstep. So how do we create those moments in our life?
Even though the answers can only be biased and opinionated, you can easily find your own. And this is because what brings happiness to me, may bring pain to you. So now is a good time to think or write out a list of things that make you feel good.
Here is an example of what may be on it:
- listening to calm music
- spiritual meditation
- cooking
- thinking about the wonderful things I already have and being grateful for that
- playing with animals
- reading
- watching a comedy
- drinking a cup of coffee
All of a sudden your day flew by. And you saw all the wonderful things that happened because you choose to get in that mode. And maybe there were a few glitches, but that's ok. It's really a mindset to let go of what may be bothering you. Because holding on to grudges or incidents that may have hurt you, can only cause you more pain. So if you think this isn't going to work, you probably need to search inside yourself to see what is bugging you and let it go. Be forgiving. Be compassionate. Even if today was a bad day, it is still a gift and you can change the latter part of the day.
Alright, NOW the fun starts lets create some HAPPINESS!!
Great blog! Happiness truly does start at home, with yourself.
Thanks for taking the moment to read :).. And yes it does!!!