The easiest magic you can do right now!!!
Guess what? It's the universal law of attraction!!
I bet your thinking "Oh crap not this shit again. 😆"
There is so much information on this topic. So it may seem like yesterday's trash. I mean come on, who hasn't heard of movie "The Secret". If you haven't, your not well informed.
To some this may seem like a new topic. But its actually been around for a very long time. Its just been called different things.
So why am I writing about it? I have come to the realization that some don't get how it works. It confuses people. I have heard people say it never works for them or its a bunch of bullshit. Positive thinking is just.... positive thinking. Which I can understand if your not applying it correctly. So I am going to break it down. And give you the tools to REALLY apply it and have it work for you.
#1. Gratitude. If you are not doing this you will never receive the universes gifts!! How many moments in your day do you stop and really thank the universe for the things and people you have in your life? If you haven't done this yet today. Stop here and say with conviction "Thank you Universe, you have truly blessed me!" Feel that emotion from the bottom of your heart. OK so I know sometimes we may feel cursed or have been plagued with something in our life. How do you still feel that gratitude? Even if everything is going to shit, you still have your life you can be thankful for. But most of us have a roof over our heads, food on the table, ones who love us, in our life. So to look at those things and see we have it good, that will bring more abundance in our life. Because if we can't appreciate those things we won't appreciate anything.
#2 Whatever your feeling, you will bring more of that into your life. If your worried or anxious, you will bring more of those situations into your life. You can say in your brain that you want a peaceful life but if your not actually feeling peace then it can't manifest. Taking deep breaths, listening to relaxing music, or doing things that calm you personally will put you on the right path. Lets say your so mad at a person or situation, and nothing you do calms you. The best thing is to give it to the universe to take care of. Say "Higher Power take this burden off my shoulders." Then let it go and have faith that it will be resolved. And it will be resolved believe me!! Forgiveness neutralizes all situations. So this maybe the biggest step to getting your peace back. Once you have your peace and can feel complete relaxation that is when you can ask for things to come into your life. Then after asking about it, continue on with your day and forget about it.
#3 Unconditional love. Having empathy for others is the best way to create a bridge to forgiveness. If you can put yourself in others shoes, you will then be able to love them for the imperfect person they are(as we all are). And forgiveness neutralizes your environment. In a neutral environment you can create more happiness.
#4 Giving. The more you give the more you get. Give with a open heart and don't expect anything in return. This will create more abundance in your life.
These are some basic principles and if you just apply one or two of these you will see drastic changes in your life.
Lets get a little bit more in depth. Lets say you have s certain goal in mind and need LOA to work for you. How do I go about doing that?
- Have a relaxed state of mind(meditation or yoga can help).
- State in your mind or out loud your need or intention, while feeling your heart chakra sending good intentions with it.
- Get busy with something else so you don't focus on it.
- Stay in a loving, peaceful state of mind.
Those are my steps(very easy) and after you do this for sometime it comes very naturally!!
I have lots of wonderful experiences with LOA. I would love to hear some of your experiences with it!! Comment below to share yours!!
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