Daily ritual for more energy
So have been meaning to write this down for everyone. Its a easy daily ritual to help open your chakras.
I use this while taking a shower/bath. Which is lovely because like most people we don't have hours of time to spend doing rituals daily. This ritual is based off older rituals I have used while studying magic. But instead of using spirit names who I am not close with, I use the planets and there power. I feel much closer to these planets(since studying astrology for years) and I think there is more power in that reasoning.
While in shower/bath you can do this either during your cleansing routine or right before.
You can either say or vibrate these phrases. :)
Begin by imaging yourself growing up to the point your are bigger then the earth, bigger then the solar system, bigger then the universe.
See a bright light and pluck it with your power hand and pull it to your Crown chakra.
Breathe in and as your breathing out say out loud(or in head) "Energetic Moon" x3 (can do this while putting shampoo on crown)
Pull that energy down to your third eye chakra. Breathing out saying "Intellectual Mercury" 3x feeling your third eye opening. (can be done while conditioning your hair)
Continue to pull that down to your throat chakra. Breathing out saying "Loving Venus" 3x understanding our throat chakra is our communication area. Today we will use our throat's to say only loving words to others. Opening that chakra and sending love out.
Bringing that down to your heart chakra. Which is also about love. This is the agape love that is abundant. Breathing out say " Magnanimous Amazing impressive Sun" x3
Pull that down to the top part of your stomach, your solar plexus chakra. Breathing out say "Abundant Jove/ Jupiter" x3 which is our chakra that helps with our life attract money and possessions.
Pull it down to the Sacral area. Breathing out say "Almighty Mars" 3x. Which helps us be stable through our whole body.
Continue to bring that down to the base chakra, which starts from our pelvis down to our feet. Breathing out say "Gravitational Saturn" x3 feeling that chakra opening and also pulling energy from feet up to pelvis.
Now that all your chakras are open repeat them all again " Energetic moon, Intellectual mercury, Loving Venus, Magnanimous Sun, Abundant Jupiter, Almighty Mars, Gravitational Saturn" x1
Breathe in feeling energy go from feet up to your crown, breath out going from crown all the way to your feet x10
Breathe in feeling energy go up from your feet on your left side, Breathe out going down your right side x10
You should now feel refreshed with lots of energy to send out.
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