The Journey to believing in magic
I always always always thought there was something strange going on!!!
From having a "imaginary" friend that looked like the shadow of minimouse at a VERY young age. And then when I was also really little maybe 6 or 7 living in Wausaukee WI, I remember a squirrel talking to me. LOL like WTF!!
I grew out of that very quickly since as I was a JW then, that would have only meant I was talking to demons.
But I developed other "magical" skills esp during puberty when I was boy crazy LOL!! There was this one boy I liked and he lived a few hours away and didn't go to the same kingdom hall as me. He did have family though that went to our kingdom hall. So some times very rarely and randomly he would be at a meeting. I never was having a "so called real" connection like facebook(wasn't even a thing back then) or his telephone number to communicate with him. Plus our parents didn't allow us to date at 14-15 years old. And I did even know if he even liked me. We were friends and I would talk to him when I would see him and that is all. So the "crazy magical thing" was that, before I would see him at the kingdom hall, I would just "KNOW" he was going to be there. I would get butterflies in my stomach and kind of like nervous nauseous feeling, when I was getting ready to go to the kingdom hall. And sure enough he would be there. When I look back I think we were unconsciously sending telepathic signals to each other. Probably from my boy crazy attraction to him at the time.
Other times I would have dreams that would come true or deja vu a lot.
Of course I had to dismiss it all as me just being nutz!!
Finally after leaving the JW religion I delved into spirituality and finding answers to all my questions(even tho some may never be answered).
The first book I read was about trusting your intuition and it touched on a lot of different subjects that peeked my interest for more.
I studied a lot on Law of Attraction, occult, western magic, other types of religions and spirituality.
Most talked about the same thing just in different terms. Like prayers and spells, there the same concept just called different names. Of course sometimes one is asking for help using your energy/emotions while the other can be using your own will to make something manifest.
I started to see more results from applied methods I learned,
Example: I was feeling a bit bloated and not cute and I had an event that night as a promotional model and needed to get the crowd hyped up. So instead of just going with the flow of my previous emotion I conscientiously thought "tonight is going to fun and amazing" But it wasn't just the thought that made it so. For me I used my heart chakra and really felt how feeling happy and ecstatic feels. And sent that energy out. The night went awesomely. And then while me and a few of the other promo-models where out for a late night snack at Perkin's before we headed home, a random stranger came up to me and gave me a stuffed animal he got out of the claw machine and didn't even say anything and walked away. I don't know about you but I love getting stuffed animals out of the claw machine!!! So maybe this sounds like just a coincidence but lots of things happen to me like this when I use my own magic.
Eventually reading about different magical systems thinking I could unlock more potential, I realized I already have the potential to create. I realized the systems where just used for focusing on a certain goal. I actually didn't even resonate with those goals. So I am now in the process of creating my own magical system.
And this is WHY I started a blog!!! Because I wanted to share my tips and help others become more magical in a day to day life. Without dogma bull crap!!
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