Creating your own magical system
Hello friends I am back to write a quick post that will get you inspired.
So I had mentioned in my previous post "on my journey to magic", that I am creating my own magical system. Which may seem ridiculous to some when there are already so may good ways to practice magic already. But a lot of the rituals have words and meanings that aren't relevant today. And I want to put more meaning in my own magic. Or we have come to the point as human beings, that we know long drawn out rituals, aren't necessary to get the job done.
How do you create your own system? This is a good question and I don't have it completely figured out but I am unlocking the potential currently.
The first thing to understand is how your body works to make magic or manifest things in your life. Some people do this by repetition such as knot spells, some need a whole ritual with opening and closing of a circle that consist of tools such as a wand, cauldron, elements and candles, some like me know how to use words "with" power. But really knowing individually how you work, as a person, is KEY. And the best way to find out is practice it all!!
Since I like using words with power I find using specific words that make me feel a certain way. Take for instance the word "Gratitude" this is such a powerful word for me and hopefully for you too. But think about how you feel when you say that word in your head or out loud. Its like a key in your head that opens a feeling. So find out what word excite you and your already making magic easily!!
Also getting into feelings and power of them. I find Love and Hate to be the biggest energy makers. The problem with using hate is you are literally destroying your own cells and slowly killing yourself. If you've done any study on quantum physics you probably heard how stress in you body blocks your cells from certain molecules that keep you healthy. So even if you don't believe in Karma working with hate as a way to get back at someone is only punishing yourself.
Using LOVE is soooo powerful. Practice unconditional love. Just like air we can not see that we are connected but we all are. So what you do to someone else your really doing to your own self. I think its easy to find fault in others because we haven't forgiven ourselves for the faults we have made. Remembering we all make mistakes, so letting it go faster is the most loving thing. The best way to feel love about yourself is to feel and show love to others.
"Walking ritual to send love to others that you can use while on a walk"
Where ever you go, give loving telepathic thoughts to others you walk past OR they maybe driving by too.
Such as if they are a man "Your amazing like my brother( or father, depending how it suits you)"
"Your amazing like me"
"Your beautiful like my sister(mother)" if its a lady.
I like to smile and send those feelings and thoughts to them. I also like to say telepathically "we love you" because im usually walking my dog. 😊 When I first came up with this it was crazy how many good responses I could feel back from the people I was going past.
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