Things that I use to help master my life. Oh and you can do the same!
Well, it's 2018 now and you know this year is gonna be a good one. But you've been saying that about the last few years. You may feel like you just can't get it together. And I have those moments myself. So how do you pull yourself out of a rut and get in gear? Here is my list of things that will set you up for success.
- Making goals for the year. Pretty basic I know but this is key to accomplishing anything. I have way too many goals but hey that's just how I work. What are your goals? Write them down. In fact, do it at this moment, and then continue to read this when you have finished.
- Now that you know what your goals are making a vision board to really instill them in your mind. Here is a post I did a few weeks back to help you create one. Vision Board
- Use your calendar on your computer to set up your schedule. This is important because if you don't have it planned its easy to say "I will do it tomorrow." So go set up your schedule with the things you need to work on, that help you achieve your goal. ☺
- In your free time, make sure your laundry and other chores get done. You don't want to be out of workout clothes when its time to workout. If you need to, schedule your chores on your calendar.
- Get in your own personal meditation. What helps you get out of your head and feel renewed? For me being outside with fresh air renews my spirit. So I take my dog out for a walk and I listen to either calming music or hayhouse radio which is a great spiritual app you can download on your phone for free. Sometimes I get my inspiration while I am doing my kickboxing working out. But you know what works best for you. So make sure that is in your daily routine.
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